Saturday, November 3, 2012


Sex! Sex is all she wanted! Sex is all she thought about! Sex is what she craved!

It was Friday night and Veronica was ready to paint the town red. She dressed in her favorite black satin dress that fell to her ankles, the one with the slit in the back. The dress seemed to taper all her curves. Curves in all the right places that is. She had more than an hourglass figure, with large plump breast that bulged out like two helium balloons filled with water. She had sex appeal. Sex appeal that most women dreamt about, or read about in a juicy romance novel that they tried on their husbands to spruce up their sex life when things became dull and ordinary from being married to long.

To read more, click on the tab at the top of the bar that says, Passion Paradise. Feel free and leave a comment. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

A Writers Dream!

Recently, Harlequin and Mils & Boon held a contest: So You Think You Can Write!

As expected to most, I entered the contest. I took the second 'Big Step' in showing off my writing skills for the public's eye view. The first however was this blog.

 The first chapter of Allured was up on Harlequin's web page until the first round of judging ended. The goal here was to search for the next author who is given a publishing contract. Many categories were listed and you entered your entry were it fit. Allured was under the category Harlequin Nocturne.

Voting and getting chosen was up to the public who made their way each day and voted for their favorite story. The voting was primarily based on how many people voted for you daily. I was not one of the lucky contenders to advance to the next round of judging.

Entering the contest and taking a chance taught me something about myself. Confidence, determination, and never giving up will someday pay off. Most importantly, to keep following your dreams and to improve on your writing skill.  

Friday, August 31, 2012

Update on Allured

It's been a long ride and journey for Allured. And I am happy to report that she has returned home safely from Vermont from being edited. 

The next step is to polish the edits that have been applied, in order to shape Allured to be sent out to agents. Hopefully, this will happen by years-end. 

During the revision of Allured, I'll post updates as they unfold. Until then, keep reading...

Please visit and follow me on Facebook. You'll find my author page under Reese Jacquez, where I'll be posting updates that pertain to Allured, and other novels I am currently writing.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Allured is a adult dark fantasy/ paranormal romance novel about love, friendship and betrayal. Packed with twist, turns and surprises.

Jacquelyn is a barmaid in a merchant community in Port Townsmont, Massachusetts. Aside from talking to her co-workers at the Black Rose Tavern: Jacquelyn keeps to herself, not dating much. It's not that she's not attractive, because she is- its because Jacquelyn use to be a whore and no one has anything to do with her. Until one night when a tall, dark haired handsome stranger enters the tavern. Jacquelyn is lured to him, instantly.

While cleaning a nearby table, Jacquelyn gets up the nerve and goes to his table. He introduces himself as Victor von Hestine, asking her to join him for the evening.
Moved by his interest in her, Jacquelyn gets nervous, hating how people in town call her names. Victor with his rare ability, hears the patron’s thoughts- bids Jacquelyn goodnight, leaving her standing alone.
But Victor being persistent having motives of his own waits for Jacquelyn outside in his carriage. After persuading her several minutes, gaining trust; Jacquelyn rides off with Victor.

Just after one night she starts seeing changes with her hearing becoming like a wolf and eyesight like an eagle. But worst of all- is when Jacquelyn wakes from a sound sleep, in cased in a milky cocoon.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Allured & Facebook

Currently, my forthcoming debut novel, Allured has just returned from Vermont from being  edited. Soon, by months end I'll be looking the manuscript over and applying the changes needed to send Allured off to agents. Hopefully by years end.

To date, I have many ideas sitting on the back burner waiting to be developed. And I hope to write some of them, shortly. With that said, while Allured is being polished and transformed I am currently working on a few projects.

1. "Death Howls" a YA Paranormal occult novel, based on a nightmare I had when I was seventeen. (don't want to leave a synopsis here) 

2. "The Haunting of Myra Gray" a YA paranormal suspense thriller, that leads three teen-agers on a wild goose-chase as they try to uncover the truth about their best friend who is believed to have committed suicide.

3. "Boston Burning" a paranormal suspense YA fiction based on accounts of witch trials.

4. "Under the Midnight Sun" an adult romance novel about two lovers that rekindle a relationship after twenty years.

5. "In My Darkest Hour" a collection of dark poetry that I have been writing for the past year. 

Feel free to checkout my official Facebook page here you'll be able to connect with me on a more personal basis, as well for reading different status updates that pertain to Allured, and other stories I post. Please click on the "Like" to keep contacted on a weekly basis. And, feel free to share this page with all your friends. I look forward in speaking to you.

I will be posting updates regarding Allured, when possible. As for the other projects I am dabbling in; please check back, often. 

You can also find me under my friend page under Reese Jacquez. There, we can interact on a more personal level. Questions, discussions and what everyone is currently reading, will also be posted. On my friend page, I will also be posting updates regarding all of the projects I am working on, as for, Allured. 

Strive for your dreams, whatever they are. And, keep reading so we can keep writing intriguing stories for "all" to enjoy.