Thursday, October 18, 2012

A Writers Dream!

Recently, Harlequin and Mils & Boon held a contest: So You Think You Can Write!

As expected to most, I entered the contest. I took the second 'Big Step' in showing off my writing skills for the public's eye view. The first however was this blog.

 The first chapter of Allured was up on Harlequin's web page until the first round of judging ended. The goal here was to search for the next author who is given a publishing contract. Many categories were listed and you entered your entry were it fit. Allured was under the category Harlequin Nocturne.

Voting and getting chosen was up to the public who made their way each day and voted for their favorite story. The voting was primarily based on how many people voted for you daily. I was not one of the lucky contenders to advance to the next round of judging.

Entering the contest and taking a chance taught me something about myself. Confidence, determination, and never giving up will someday pay off. Most importantly, to keep following your dreams and to improve on your writing skill.